Friday, 26 May 2017

Freedon in Peril

It was a beautiful day here in Old Blighty today, the sun we rarely see shone, millions went for a stroll, others sat or lay in the sun and those children not yet slain by Islamic fanatics, played joyfully, what a wondrous day, a day to be savoured. Yet even as the sun shone and the nation worshipped a fiery god anew, a great shadow grew evermore powerful in the land, like an ogre it gobbled up all before
it and strode on to wreak yet more havoc. Unseen in the sunshine it slithered around the edges of our culture devouring the isolated, the defenceless and extending its malignant grip further still. As lovers strolled, children played and the nation basked in the sun, the grubby hands of oppression took its prey or schemed to.

In the great court of ideas there can be only one, one aria sung, one tale told, one singular opus, one script penned, all of one voice and all for the hive, whilst the queen sits in majesty. Dissent is crushed and the narrative rammed home and freedom pales and flees. While the nation bakes in the hot summer sun the gnawing away at their freedom continues, with few to notice. Today a radio station fires a presenter for words (1) whilst the left spew their bile, corrupting the minds of the young against even their futures. The left, whose ideology has killed more than any other in the West, sit in judgement of all They skip hand in hand with misogyny, feminists all, whilst the sons of Muhammad rape females by the thousands, kill their own daughters for perverse honour and mutilate young girls within their own community.

The loathsome left cry freedom but suppress it, bedfellows of terrorists, oppressors, despoilers and haters, they march forward smiling with militant Islam, the left who use minorities of whichever stripe as ballistics in a cultural war. The many millions of the decent crushed under foot, devoid of voice, hope or perhaps even salvation. They would rather slip in the blood of the innocent than prevent the pain; rather turn their feminist shoulders on schoolgirl violation, than respond to their screams. They preach freedom whilst closing down debate, infesting media, academia, government and faith, their Gramsciesque march through the institutions complete, they goose step triumphantly across society extinguishing the flames of freedom wherever they are found. 

Today the people exist in a state of fear, afraid to voice concern, patriotism, even truth, our youth indoctrinated others re-educated, we each exist within an incorporeal gulag, told how to live, what to say, what to think, what to pay. Human nature is more than this, more than this corruption rife; it yearns for freedom, for a voice, for the right of all to speak freely. The unaware believe they have a voice that party politics differs from Red to Blue, Yellow to Green, that the noisy cacophony of disparate voices portray freedom, they believe that their voices are heard and concerns addressed. Yet seemingly blinded in the rare sunlight they miss the encroaching darkness, the smothering of opinion, of difference, real diversity.

 The sacking of Katie Hopkins for her views, for her words, is just another nail in the coffin of freedom. Another assault upon free expression, we are so imprisoned that our freedom no longer exists in the physical world but online, yet even this the darkness strives to take. It is as if they hate the freedoms that Berners-Lee gave us, indeed even he calls for a digital “Magna Carta” (2) whilst the leader of this country calls for censorship, for the smothering of opinion, using the tragic deaths in Manchester to snuff out the flame of liberty.(3) If they take our internet freedom, our voice, our true democracy, then all the lights go out and the darkness spreading even now will consume us all.


(1) Katie Hopkins to leave LBC 'immediately' in wake of Manchester attack 'final solution' comments-

(2) Tim Berners-Lee calls for internet bill of rights to ensure greater privacy-

(3) G7 Summit: Theresa May To Ask World Leaders To Launch Internet Crackdown After Manchester Attack- 




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