Below is Trumps fawning, vacuous, grovelling speech in the
Saudi kingdom, whoever thought that Trump was on their side in the ongoing war
against terror, duplicitous politicians, political correctness,
mass migration
and globalism, needs to wake up and smell the coffee. I notice that trump didn’t
ask if Christians are permitted to build houses of worship, (1)
or whether the Saudis are willing to give up slavery any time soon.(2)
He also never addressed the fact that Saudi Arabia exports Salafism and
Wahhabism into Western nations, which radicalises individuals and leads to
Even the European Parliament in a 2013 report (3)
recognised Saudi funded Wahhabism “as the main source of global terrorism”, yet
Trump chooses to treat this country as a friend and ally, indeed he attacked Saudi
Arabia’s arch-rival Iran and more directly its Hezbollah terrorist group,
which along with Saudi backed Mujahidin vied to be the first to bring radical Islam
into the heart of mainland Europe during the Bosnian War, with the shocking
connivance of American and NATO forces.
It was at this time that the Mujahidin buoyed by their
victory over Russia in Afghanistan first entered the European theatre, supported
with extensive funding from the Saudi kingdom, the rest unfortunately is history,
militant Islam had established a foothold within Europe.
Today it is estimated that Saudi Arabia has spent Billions exporting
the toxic ideology of Wahhabism around the world. Instead of kowtowing in the
very country that supports terrorism, suppression of human rights and a virulently
anti-western Weltanschauung, trump should place sanctions upon Saudi Arabia, crush
Wahhabism wherever it is found both militarily and intellectually until this is
done Islamic terrorism will continue to be a force on the world stage.
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