Monday, 28 May 2018

Tommy Robinson Political Prisoner

On the 25th May 2018 renowned counter-jihad activist and now independent reporter Tommy Robinson, was arrested outside Leeds Crown court, Mr Robinson was there to film alleged gang-rapists as they entered court, alongside their supporters, friends and family.
This was live-streamed and watched by many thousands of people; Mr Robinson informed his viewing audience that some 29 people including two women, were on trial and that thirty percent of the alleged rapists were called Mohammed. Offences ranged from trafficking, rape, threats to kill, supplying drugs, facilitating the commission of sexual activity on a child, false imprisonment to child abduction

At around 2.24 in, a suspected far-Leftist interrupts the Live-streaming to invade Mr Robinson’s personal space by placing his arm around him and on his shoulder and proceeds to call Mr Robinson “a tosser” the incident ends with the suspected Leftist walking away, pronouncing, “It’s not your concern”.  Mr Robinson did extremely well here not to rise to the bait and physically reinstate his personal space which had been invaded by this individual, some have stated that the troublemaker is a known leftist but he could also very well be an operative working for the state in order to provoke Mr Robinson into a response. 

Mr Robinson as noted was extremely aware of the precarious position he was in due to the prior actions of the state, a state that seeks to shut down those courageous individuals and organisations who speak up against issues such as Islamic gang-rape, FGM, mass-migration and White Genocide. He had taken every precaution explaining:

“I have to be super careful you see, because, when I was coming to these court cases part of what the police did, was they dawn raided me and they put me on a contempt of court charge which would mean that I could face prison or Im on a suspended sentence, because they don’t want people reporting, they don’t want the public watching these videos they don’t want you to see…” [Sic]

Towards the end of the live-stream a visibly nervous Mr Robinson was heard to ask his people if what he was doing was contempt of court. During the video Mr Robinson took great pains not to film on court property or to film ordinary Muslims going about their business all to no avail, at one hour fourteen and forty two seconds Mr Robinson was arrested bungled into a police van and sentenced without his lawyer present to thirteen months imprisonment. 

It is obvious that Mr Robinson is a political prisoner the suspended sentence designed to enable the state to at any time arrest Mr Robinson on any charge, this time it was for breach of the peace yet anyone watching the video can see that Mr. Robinson does not cause a breach of the peace in fact it is the alleged gang rapists who commit an offence albeit capturing them on camera may have facilitated it. If an offence were committed it was for insulting words and behaviour, yet the perpetrators already attending court were simply allowed on their way. 

To many patriots the very concept of free speech is a joke and in fact always has been the state taking every opportunity to shut down debate, lawful assembly and the dissemination of information, today of course we have the medium of the internet yet this government along with others is doing all it can to suppress right-wing opinion, not quite in as avert a way as China but nonetheless restricting and reigning in opinion by limiting access to global social media platforms. Unlike America we do not have a bill of rights and as a consequence the state can seemingly do as it likes and we the people are simply to sit back and take it. 

The power of course rests with the people which is why the state censors, bullies and falsifies, it is for this very reason that 17.4 million people have not got their Brexit, the state knows all too well that the propaganda the young has been submitted to has yielded fantastic results and that the bulk oppose the very individuals, organisations and ideologies that fight for their futures. Also of course many of those fighting this evil are working-class and as such don’t matter the working class only matter in times of war or to wave flags at staged events that cost more than they will ever see in generations. 

A great patriot once said to me if just the 17.4 million people who voted for Brexit used their power by not paying taxes, striking, taking to the streets or simply by passively resisting then change would come, real, lasting change and perhaps the saving of our nation and indeed greater Europe. A nation that creates a political prisoner out of a man fighting for its children deserves no respect or should I say its leaders, its elite, those that stand back and watch as the nation crafts its own funeral pyre, for all our sakes resist.


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