Monday, 1 May 2017

Why Europeans against Radical Islam?

There are many, many reasons but perhaps the greatest reason
are my children and grandchildren and indeed yours. There are only three options under Islamic law (Sha’ria) شريعة‎‎, convert; pay the Jizya جزية‎‎ or face death. All of these options are untenable within a free and open society and each places a great penalty upon the individual. In the West an individual is free to practice any religion they so choose or none but under Islam the choice to practice ones chosen faith can lead to death or injury or to such a wretched circumstance that one is forced to convert merely to survive. Because I love my children, my grandchildren I cannot leave them to this fate, nor can I
leave yours. It would seem that whatever Islam touches it destroys, be it freedom, culture or indeed the human soul.

Having a daughter places upon me an even greater imperative to oppose radical Islam, as under their system a female is considered of lesser worth than a man and indeed there are documented cases where a victim of rape or sexual assault has been stoned to death for adultery. Take the tragic case of Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow, who in 2008 was raped by three men while travelling on foot to visit her grandmother in the Somalia capital, Mogadishu. Upon telling her family of the brutal attack, a family member took her to a police station in Kismayo to report the incident to radical Islamic group Al-Shabaab, who controlled the region. They were asked to return at a later date; Aisha was subsequently arrested on charges of adultery and in front of a Sha’ria court sentenced to death by stoning.

On the afternoon of October 27, 2008 Aisha was taken to a stadium in Kismayo and in front of a crowd of approximately a thousand people stoned to death. It is reported that some in the crowd attempted to save Aisha but were thwarted when the Islamic extremists opened fire on them, killing an 8 year-old boy in the process. Aisha was buried up to her neck and some fifty men of the Religion of Peace™ proceeded to stone her. After ten minutes of this she was dug up and two nurses were asked to confirm if she was still alive, unfortunately for Aisha she was, so the good men of the Religion of Peace™ placed her back in the ground and the stoning continued until she was dead, Aisha was 13 years-old.


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