Saturday, 15 July 2017

“Die quietly why don’t you!”.

A trademark of totalitarianism is the inability to speak freely, today people do not have that choice, oh they can voice concerns to trusted friends, partners and family members, yet even this is risky, yet because totalitarianism cannot police all places, so it propagandises, converts zealously until society self-polices. Neighbour watches neighbour, work colleagues become potential adversaries and everywhere there are eyes and who can tell one from the other. Who knows the watchers, until quite soon silences falls across the public square and freedom of speech is stifled under the disingenuous guise of preventing hate-speech. Yet millions have died so that
you or I can speak freely, in the 12th century we had the Magna Carta which began a process whereby the rights of the citizen became mandated in law.

Yet we see laws twisted and used against the common man in order to pursue and cement a heinous social experiment, the enforced replacement of a people against its wishes backed up by draconian legislation. Today successive generations of children have been taught to hate their heritage to see as an enemy those who would fight for it, the patriot is now the hounded and the traitor lionised. With each terrorist attack it is our freedoms taken from us, our liberties eroded whilst those who would see us down face little hardship. Regardless of the lies you are fed we are all different, all unique, yet they preach equality which is itself a crime against nature, an evil, because it suppresses uniqueness and stifles talent.

Difference is both unique to the individual, the culture from which they hail and indeed to the race, yet leftists preach equality, is it any wonder that the first casualty of communism is the intelligentsia, the reaper runs rampant through academia until not a voice is left, rapidly all levels of society are laid waste and the much lauded working-class decimated, the rest, the survivors, put to work by the state, slaves in all but word. Yet with the coming of rapid communication, and the ability of even the common man to travel vast distances the left had to abandon its old ways and find ways anew to destroy Western society.

To do this it needed apparatchiks both within government and without, it needed to control the laws and social conventions of society and then to police it, yet most of all it needed an army, a vast, vast army, so it indoctrinated the young and imported by the many millions its replacement, until those to be replaced like insensible zombies worked passionately towards their own demise. Free speech is offensive that is the point, certainly there is a responsibility upon the individual, yet if a society gives over its freedoms to the state then don’t we all just live within a giant gaol and to give over our freedoms to a state that works feverishly against our interests is lunacy in the extreme.

Consistently since we were first burdened with mass migration the public has been against it, poll after poll has shown this and today were people given the freedom to choose most, even after decades of brainwashing would still opt for an end to the ghastly social experiment. Yet in truth we are not free and as the wheels roll towards our eventual destruction so to do our freedoms perish. Some people will have views that are appalling, some will have views you will simply never consider, yet free speech is needed, to debate, to decide, to steer the nations course and therefore we are denied it. Denied the ability to discuss, to decide, our rights are simply taken away and we must yield to the system, fall to our knees in homage to the new world and burn, scorn and hate the old.
Seemingly it is okay to criticise the old British Empire, to see as deplorable the enforced invading of other lands and the virtual feudatory status of the indigenous peoples of those places. Yet today we see again an enforced invasion, the vassal status of indigenous peoples as they pay for it all, the erosion of traditional culture and the imposition of alien practices, yet we are the wrong people to be allowed to feel aggrieved and indeed it is our own leaders who usher in our destruction but we are not permitted to say a word, “Die quietly why don’t you!”.  

Recently I heard of a case (1) concerning a Mr Jim Gardiner, a 73 year-old who owns and runs a burger van called the Ship's Galley near the M6. Mr Gardiner refused to serve a would-be patron, a Mr Piers Palmer 46 a sausage sandwich when they clashed verbally over the Religion of Peace ™. During the conversation Mr Gardiner outlined his view that there were, "no-go" zones in Manchester, to which Palmer disagreed, Mr Gardiner then attempted to hand him literature which palmer refused to read. At this point Mr Gardiner said, “Then you're in the wrong place if you want food from me. Do one!" Now unless I’m mistaken no crime had been committed a retailer has every right to refuse service and does not I am led to believe have to give a reason.

Later Palmer went to the police and reported Mr Gardiner for “hate speech”, which led to him appearing in court, he was charged and summarily convicted of a racially aggravated public order offence. Mr Gardiner who had never been in trouble before was fined £127, with a £30 victim surcharge, and ordered to pay £50 compensation to Mr Palmer; he must also pay £620 prosecution costs. It would be funny if it were not so serious, a 73 year-old man who has never been in trouble before is taken to court because he refused to serve a man who he stated in police interviews was, “agitated” a sausage sandwich and held views contrary to those expected by the state.

Such prosecutions are meant to serve as a warning, a reminder that in order to live ones life you must at all times keep quiet about the problems afflicting this land, you must parrot the party line and join the ranks of the collaborators who would rather see others assailed by the treasonous than voice truth themselves. You may disagree with Mr Gardiner, you may totally oppose his viewpoint but does he not have the right to it, or must we all bow and scrape to those who would sell our children’s birthright for political power and all its trappings.

(1) Burger van owner prosecuted after going on anti-Islamic rant and refusing to serve a sausage sandwich


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