Sunday, 9 July 2017

Indigenous Suffer Injustice Yet Again

The indigenous people of this country mean nothing, are nothing, to those who profit from our toil or arrive en-masse to grasp all that they can. Whole towns and cities stolen away from those whose birthright it should have been, from those who today suffer unemployment, inadequate housing, over subscribed schools and a creaking health service, those who wander lost, a minority amongst the crowd.  The strong arm of the law grabs those who protest this madness and courts
across the land grind the indigenous underfoot whilst the other grows ever stronger.

How many terrorist attacks due to this failed experiment, how many murders, rapes, how many more victims, how many do you need from us before you leave us alone and grant us peace. What has the working-class and indeed the middle-class done to deserve such wickedness, such abuse, yet resist, oppose and they come for you. Immigrants and their descendents know full well that they can do what they like to us with impunity and that the police, the courts and the whole apparatus of the state will back them up.
Take the case of Eamonn Anderson, 56 viciously murdered by Imran St Clair, St Clair used what some refer to as the Race Card in order to nullify or weaken any sentence given. He also used the common tactic of painting the hapless victim as the aggressor, so not only is Mr Anderson dead, murdered but he is vilified after the fact. St Clair and a group of friends chanced upon Mr Anderson as he was walking his dog Charlie on a lead whilst riding his bicycle. Prosecutor Matthew Walsh said, “St Clair and his friends were running alongside Mr Anderson as he cycled his bicycle along the road. Something caused Mr Anderson to stop and get off his bicycle, keeping his dog Charlie on the lead.”

We can never know what caused Mr Anderson to dismount from his bike and fall victim to his tormentors on Oxford's High Street, October 25th between 23.30hrs and 23.45hrs. What we do know is that St Clair as part of a group of men became embroiled in a confrontation with Mr Anderson, the aftermath of which left Mr Anderson lying on the ground seriously injured and ultimately and tragically led to his death. Prosecutor Mr Walsh said that “his injuries were a result of the kick rather than the impact with the pavement”. As anyone who has ever cycled will know, cycling involves balance, chased along the road by a group of thugs whilst holding his dog on a lead would for most be an impossible task, it would be impossible to rapidly ride away from trouble and almost impossible to continue cycling, Mr Anderson would through sheer necessity need to dismount and walk, more especially if his way was blocked.

St Clair in his defence said,” Mr Anderson was racist towards him and used terms such as 'monkey' and 'niggerr' and Mr Walsh admitted that may have caused him to lose his temper. Andrew Hall defending said, “They came into contact with Mr Anderson and he was with his dog, a Pit bull terrier, two of the boys were particularly frightened of those dogs and they ran away which caused merriment to the others who started barking at them. 'Whether it was that that annoyed Mr Anderson, he let the dog off the chain and it went off in the direction of the other boys.' (sic) already here we see a lie, Mr Anderson was found lying injured with his dog still on its lead, unless his tormentors, who were afraid of dogs had found it and brought it back to the dying Mr Anderson enabling the prosecutor Mr Walsh to use the words, “Something caused Mr Anderson to stop and get off his bike, keeping Charlie on the lead,” then it is a bare-faced lie.

 What 56-year-old willingly confronts a gang of thugs and far out numbered holding a bike in one hand and a dog in the other seek trouble, further, what 56-year-old enflames an already dangerous situation by calling the group monkeys and niggers. It is alleged that the only violence carried out was a “scissor kick to the head” yet victim Mr Anderson suffered, a dislocated jaw, a missing tooth, a fracture to the right side of his skull and a traumatic brain injury, this is simply not consistent with a single kick. St Clair’s defence stated …the defendant accepts that his confrontation might have been an over-reaction to the threat he faced.

An over-reaction, a 56-year-old man lies dying on the floor and it’s an over-reaction, of course our fair and impartial justice system will see through this obvious tissue of lies and deliver justice for the late Mr Anderson, his family and loved ones, won’t they? Judge Zoe Smith sentenced St Clair, to four years imprisonment with 112 days of electronic tag deducted.


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