Sunday, 18 June 2017

Help Don't Hinder

In order for change people must stand up, they must switch off their TV, which is only a propaganda tool anyway, and take to the streets, it is only through the massed power of the people that change can happen. Many people, people who are sick and tired of radical Islam and those who believe or follow the reprehensible verses extolling Muslims to,” kill them wherever you find them…” are afraid, afraid to voice their fears, to stand up and say enough is really enough. For those leading the fight against radical Islam, mass immigration and unwanted societal change, it is an uphill struggle, shouting, Iceberg! Iceberg!” as the ship cruises inexorability towards disaster.

Some of the other passengers look at you, realise to the impending disaster or at the very least have comprehension but they look away, believing that the ship will turn from
catastrophe, rather than hitting the ice. Others scoff at being told of the danger or viciously oppose your warning as it spoils the cruise, only a few take up the cry, as the ship relentlessly steams towards disaster. Oblivious the passengers relax told all is well by the captain and the crew, the band plays on, drinks are served and the iceberg looms astern. It is a fantastic system of repression isn’t it, this society that preaches free speech but denies it, that lauds the democratic right to protest but does all it can to negate it.

People are scared, scared of losing their livelihoods, their family, their friends, being ostracised in the community and of violence, of physical assault, of being tarred as a thug, when all they are really are, are concerned, worried, fearful, decent people, fighting against a growing evil. It is for this reason the press downplay the true number of attendees, write articles that present the attendees as thugs and hooligans and caption it all with sensationalist headlines. Then we have the Far Left who attend the protests ostensibly to present another case but in reality, to frighten, harass, intimidate and commit violent acts against those they oppose.

On top of this we then have supposed decent politicians and leaders condemning the protesters, in essence it is a concerted attack, designed to deter would-be attendees and frighten those brave enough to go. At home the worried are frightened away, denied their fundamental right to protest, whilst around them society changes and their voice lessens with each generation. What of the social movement against it, well it lies fragmented, disparate, unable to truly function, personal hatreds trump collective good, as one group or individual disparages the other. On forums and social media, groups and individuals that are trying to make a difference, are slandered and scorned. Instead of one unifying movement that truly could usher in change, we have many, all competing to outdo the other.

At what should be dignified protests, we have individuals drinking, chanting, swearing, displaying aggression, all of which put off potential attendees, just as much as the Far Left, the fake media or our lovable duplicitous politicians.  Recently in Manchester some within the crowd waved a pigs head, waved it around and took bites from it, others climbed civic monuments or pressed police lines to goad the leftists drafted in to create exactly that situation. What Mother, what Father, Grandparent, man or women would want to stand with that, to bring their children to such an event when such actions do the work of this nations enemies?

It is far, far easier to deter when the liars need only print pictures of such actions or post videos of them, the press will never present the truth as it goes against the agenda and the desire to prevent a true movement for change. This writer and others I know, feel only severe embarrassment when protests descend to chanting, to violence, swearing and anti-social behaviours, out there we are many millions, millions of decent men and women, who can see the disastrous results of mass immigration, the ominous threat of radical Islam and the need to counter it. When you wave a pigs head we turn away, when you chant we squirm with embarrassment, when you drink, swear and run amok we sink into despair and hug our children tighter, knowing that there is no movement to represent us and prevent the nightmare ahead.

Whoever stands up needs to be applauded, from the individual who posts against the narrative on social media, to the leaders of movements and groups, we are all in this together, should radical Islam win through, then what will it matter who was who, when our heads tumble to the floor under the executioners bloodied  knife. There should be an unwritten code, a realisation that if you slander for whatever reason those who stand, you do the work of our enemies, and if you act in ways that deter others, you again do the work of our enemies. I will not stand with thugs and hooligans, chant inanely in a collective of drunken zombies, applaud violence or support disunity.

There is a chance to counter the threat of radical Islam in this country, a chance that if missed will never, due to demographics, come again, I will stand with anybody, anybody who challenges this, it is time to stand, time to defend our culture, our way of life and our values. We don’t need alpha males, throwing their weight around, we need Grandparents, Mothers, Fathers, children ,the old, the young, the straight the gay, the religious, the non-religious, the disabled, all sections of society, because it affects us all ,the executioners knife is at our throat and it doesn’t discriminate, nor should we.  


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