The Grenfell fire was a tragedy, the enormity of which will
only come out over months or even years, any death, especially in such
circumstances is terrible and those responsible should be brought to justice.
Speculation does nothing, to incite in an already volatile situation, to use
catastrophe, heartbreak and loss to further a revolutionary agenda is
perhaps one of the lowest things an individual, a party or a cause can do. Yet that is exactly what the Left are doing, it is the perfect storm for the Left, it hits every button, it happened in Kensington West London an affluent area, it involved ethnic minorities, refugees, Muslims, it gives a chance to rail against a government that despite all the hype defeated them at the ballot box and it permits the Left as they do to co-opt the angry as foots-soldiers in their ongoing war against society.
perhaps one of the lowest things an individual, a party or a cause can do. Yet that is exactly what the Left are doing, it is the perfect storm for the Left, it hits every button, it happened in Kensington West London an affluent area, it involved ethnic minorities, refugees, Muslims, it gives a chance to rail against a government that despite all the hype defeated them at the ballot box and it permits the Left as they do to co-opt the angry as foots-soldiers in their ongoing war against society.
Recently our IRA supporting Shadow Chancellor of the
Exchequer John Martin McDonnell, called for a million people on the streets to
force another election, just think for a second of the enormity of that. A
Shadow Chancellor calling for insurrection because of the democratically
expressed will of the people. Certainly this site has no love for the Tories,
Mrs May or their incessant attacks upon the poor within this nation and
recognises the lie of what passes for politics in this country. Yet comrade McDonnell
seeks to establish a regime every bit as evil as radical Islam, however the
Left need an army to do it, in the recent election they completely captured the
youth vote, the young, sick of having nothing, students saddled with debt,
those unable to get a job owing to lack of experience, frustrated because
no-one will give them a job to gain it, all embraced Labours lies.
The Left have always been good at exploiting unfairness, of
harnessing it to the chariot of collectivism and ploughing through the meadows
of society. They exploit, exploit, exploit, then they cast away, just as they
have done with the working-class, who having never embraced Marx’s dream were
cast aside, replaced by a new migrant victim class, until finally they were
vilified by both the right and the left.
Today after years and years of indoctrination even the working-class
young believe the lies, certainly not in the same numbers as the children of
middles-class luvvies, champagne socialists and sixties yearners but on a level
unprecedented within this writers lifetime. This does not bode well for the
country, a country already robbed of its central pillars, teetering on the edge
of substantial change at best or at worst civil strife.
The left having undermined society left a vacuum, a void and
radical Islam walked right in, currently the Left and radical Islam work hand
in hand, each shores up the other, even today we see this in action. In London the Grenfell
Tower protest movement is
led by suspected Islamic terrorist one Mustafa al-Mansur, one time spokesman
for the ever so friendly Finsbury Park Mosque. You know the place, Abu Hamza’s
former stronghold, Hamza that affable imam chap with the hook hand, well Hamza
fought in Bosnia and our friend al-Mansur was arrested for having his
fingerprints on a book about improvised explosive devices (IEDs) which he
claimed belonged to a “Bosnian associate”. You can already see from publicly
available pictures, video and text the hi-jacking of the Grenfell Tower
tragedy, both by the radical left and radical Islam.
A leaflet has been posted to social media (shown above) that
demonstrates the incitement that the left are guilty of, in it the Left call
for “Class War-no justice, no peace, bring down the government”. They also demand,
“Stop the social and ethnic cleansing of London” (sic) let that sick in a
moment, “Stop the social and ethnic cleansing of London” (1)
and (2) and (3)
I don’t recall a major rallying of
Leftists over the ethnic cleansing of indigenous Londoners, over their enforced
minority status, nor do I recall the Left mobilising to protest about the
slaughter in Manchester, instead every protest against Islamic barbarity they
oppose. It’s almost as if there is a dichotomy
of victimhood within the mind of the left a striking
contrast between the victims of slaughter and the minority victims of almost
any other event.
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