Islam hates the West, even its adherents who reside here,
don’t seem to appreciate just how generous we have been, so generous that we
put aside our own interests, disregard all concerns, craft laws to stifle
dissent and set in motion events that in all likelihood will have a detrimental
effect on our descendents. After every attack they play the victim, even as we
bury our dead, yet they hate us, not just the rabid terrorist but those within
our nation that have not as yet taken up arms. Everything is the infidels
fault, everything, regardless of circumstance. If a soldier is beheaded
it is
the fault of unbelievers because of war abroad, even if most people do not
support it or it was built on lies. If the blood of the innocent flows upon the
street it is again our fault and they, the Muslims, are victims, if little
girls are blown to bits at music concerts, again it is us, never them, just the
unbeliever. Our leaders, politicians and law enforcers rush to protect them,
issue palpably dishonest statements in their defence and warn the host
population against dissent.
Everything is our fault, if we have a march to protest
against the terror perpetrated against us, it is labelled as hate, if we voice
our fears we are extremists, Islamophobes or racists. They arrest individuals
for Facebook posts, guard mosques against bacon, yet our little children are
lifted from school gates, raped by gangs of grown men and not a word is said,
not a truth uttered. As parents buried their children in Manchester the powers that be supported
Islam, supported the very community from which the murderers hailed, yet the
attacked community were told to kept quiet, shut up, carry on as normal.
Attacks we are told are part and parcel of big city living, that we should all
expect slaughter and that the threat is severe, that “an attack is highly
likely.” (sic)
Our leaders blame us, the Left blame us, Islam blames us,
yet we are simply normal men and women wishing peace for our children, for
security for those we love but to all we are culpable. They have severed the
head of a soldier and barely an Ahem, they have splattered the body parts of
the innocent in our capital city and nary a stir, more recently they went even
lower and attacked children, not a ripple. Yet they are the victims and we are
to blame. They must really hate us, mustn’t they, our politicians, those
charged with our protection who let thousand’s still come, who protect those
who hate, who see just as we see the societal change and care not a jot.
The Left, strange bedfellows with those who almost point by
point are diametrically opposed to their worldview, gays stand guard as their peers
fall from high places and those who police give no aid to the assailed. Islam
hates even those it victimises, even those it slaughters; it is not just
terrorists who hate, not just the cogitatively deficient drones, awakened by
the repugnant passages in the Quran. It is those who live amongst us, those who
pass us on the street, those who teach our children, supply our goods, drive
our taxis and walk beside us. Not all, not every but how can you tell, what
sets one apart from the other, what marking should we look for, what
designation discern?
A major part of the problem is the hate instilled for the
unbeliever, until our very society becomes, to coin a phrase, Haram, until
those we welcomed seek only to change us, willingly, stealthily or by the bomb
or the bullet. Recently there has been a terrible fire, the Left like coyotes
on a corpse rushed to Kensington, rushed to inflame, to augment, to point the
finger. Already there are reports of potential unrest, of a stirring amongst
the local community, yet how many protested Manchester’s
dead, how many Jeremy Corbyns, how many Lily Allens, were the dead of Manchester worth any
less? A video has surfaced on social media which is posted here, in it a
Muslim lady blames wider society, i.e. non-believers, she says:
“Now more people, more Muslims are feeling this is a revenge,
I’m just telling you how I feel, yeah, an this is gonna take, they’re gonna
maybe start, revenge because it happened on other, other, London Bridge and
stuff like that, so they’re gonna think this is a revenge, I’m just telling you
how the people feel, people are not gonna tell you how they feel, because
they’re scared”. (sic)
Just from this small extract you can see the problems within
society, there was no concern for victims generally, no Old Blitz Spirit just
concern for Muslims and an implied threat,which a reporter stupidly cut off
before it was voiced. It wasn’t seen as just a blaze, a fire that affected all residents
regardless of cause but an attack upon the Muslim community, on the Ummah, the
people she speaks of are not all of us but Muslims, that nation within a nation
that we have allowed to flourish.
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