It’s a shocking headline isn’t it? It screams of impending
violence and threat, in this age when Islam threatens every one of us, its
quite scary to think that there is a new bogeyman, a new direction for the terror-weary
citizen to cast a bleary eye. Yet the headlines scream out. “More White People
Arrested for Terrorism than Any Other Group”, surely this will jolt the traveller
on a crowed train, the worker on the bus or prompt the shopper
to buy a paper
along with the groceries. It will give
ammunition to every anti-white, anti-Western miscreant out there, all of which
will smother the fears of the common man under a tsunami of its whites, whites,
whites, whites are the worst.
And indeed aren’t we blamed for everything, it’s always us,
always whites, on and on like a broken record, any chance to attack us, to
belittle us to portray us the predator and the other the victim. We live in an
age where victimhood grants privilege, status and esteem, yet only for the few
and rarely for the white male, more especially if he’s straight. Barracked and bullied
the white male lives his life under the constant threat of attack, the constant
and unrelenting assailment from a victim class elevated beyond measure. Most
succumb, adopting causes and creeds wholly at odds with their own betterment,
some, especially the young, adopt the lifestyles and fashions of those permitted
masculinity even if in this case it is truly toxic.
Our cities heave with young white males resplendent with caps,
sagging jeans and malice, their feral behaviour infesting communities and
neighbourhoods across the land, all aspiring to be gangsta [sic] whilst
throwing their own heritage away. Each of us has at least some knowledge that
there is a threat, we recognise from where it comes, we cannot miss it, the novel
street furniture erected in many towns and cities, the endless attacks, at
first committed by radical Islamists [sic] and now quite strangely by the mentally
ill. The list of names all alien to the Western ear, yet all declaring war
against us and our nearest and dearest, we know, but for livelihood or peace of
mind we keep our own council, for fear of the Gulag we mutter impotently but we
It aids them you see ,this “War on Terror”, it permits them
to put us even more in a stranglehold, more security, more control, more fear,
more need for it, as sheep we seemingly crave our unearned captivity, watching
passively as they snatch freedom after freedom away. If it were truly a “War on
terror” [sic], the drawbridge would be up but a vast army of fighting age young
men match unhindered into Europe every day, much blood has already been shed
and more to come and the flower of European womanhood lies bloodied and
ravaged, ignored by leaders and unprotected by European man.
Rage builds across Europe and to repression, even the net, the
erstwhile home of free speech dies a death, suffocated by those with designs on
a new Europe freed of its indigenous peoples. There is no doubt that attacks will
come, that rage will build in some and lead to the only course of action left
available. If the means to change a perceived ill are denied a people and even
their voice is stifled what alternative is left, what other avenue is available.
This is not to say that this writer calls for it but that it will almost
certainly occur, how much more can European man take, how many more murders,
how many more rapes, how many more children blown to smithereens, how many
injured, how high the death toll?
Yet these will be what are termed “Lone Wolf” attacks, not a
coordinated campaign like that perpetrated against us by militant Islam, there
is no grouping or faction massed to commit carnage, no clerics calling for murder,
no theology demanding blood, not from us. Muslim schoolgirls walk quite
unmolested in the nation whilst ours at best are considered sluts and at worst
are treated as such, children denied their innocence forever. Those against the
West from all quarters bewailed the vilification of Islam, of the other whilst
the wolf danced freely with the sheep, “it’s an attack on Islam, on minorities,
on our precious BAME communities” they scream as the emergency services scrap
the latest victim off the asphalt.
I cannot imagine and I don’t want to experience how they
feel, those forced to endure loss at the hands of the great experiment, those
who must look at their daughter knowing that she has been passed from predator
to predator and used in the vilest of ways. I never want the experience, it is
not a desired thing but I can and do understand the desire for revenge for retribution
for justice. Amongst nationalists they cannot even read the ordeals these poor
souls have endured at the hands of our new guests or their descendents, least
the rage blinds and gaol beckons.
Till now European man has been remarkably quiet, mute in the
face of unprecedented attack, for this writer it is shameful to think that
thousands of our schoolgirls have been raped and not a hand raised against it,
has any enemy of a people, of a civilisation, ever had it so good? One day
there may be a circling of the wagons but by then we will be minorities not
just globally but in our respective nations, by then I fear it will be too late
and we shall succumb to a brutal end. The authorities are liars but it serves
their purpose, nullify the voices of those crowing about an attack on Islam,
introduce fake parity and suppress the growing Right, instil yet more fear into
those concerned about our nations direction and yet again usher in even more draconian
security, designed to spy upon the ordinary citizen.
Yet how, surely there was an answer and in the shape of a
young boys club the answer came, as a young man there are only a few routes to
take ,you can either adopt the garb, creed and lifestyle of your successor,
submit or hide from it or became their antithesis. A group formed called
National Action; this was simply a boys club that followed a version of
National Socialism, a version that was unapologetic and vocal. Sick of the ills
ravaging society they took their creed to the street, online and off. A patsy
had been found, the group was proscribed and “inviting support” or promoting
the group became unlawful, some so enraged by our plight plotted action, lone
wolf attacks, as mentioned earlier however this was not a coordinated group
Nonetheless a rightwing [sic] terrorist group had been found
an Al-Qaeda of the Right, arrests followed and there magically at a stroke you
have your increase in whites arrested for terrorist offences. No offences by
the group had been perpetrated or planned simply an enraged opinion stating
that the killing of Jo Cox had been justified and this is what led to the group
being proscribed. This is wholly different to an ideology that has thousands and
thousands if not millions of supporters across Europe, they are pushing a
narrative that the “Far Right” [sic] is on a par with militant Islam therefore
they placate minorities and the Left and arrest right leaning dissidents.
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